Sunday 23 November 2014

48 hour movie challange

Sound quality : It was good and I liked that we had a voice over for there poem and the music added into the video.

Camera skills : We had good places and angles for there shots and I really like them filming in the car.

Acting : I think that the acting was good but we could have acting improved on the scene where they were smoking at the back of the school.

Editing : I think the editing was really good and kaidin did a good job, we had photos and music and even voice overs.

Poem : I think it was good us having a voice over for our poem but i think our poem could have made more sense.

Quality of the Life Ed message : I think our message is good because we are telling a story where to teenagers smoke then they get told off, they also see the consequences of there mum finding out our message was don't smoke it can get you into a lot of trouble.

Team work : Our team work was good although as teams do fight over  what to do your movie on after that was sorted and we knew what we were doing it was a great teamwork.

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