Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Short Story

“Sophie and Maddie go get the mail mum yelled” as they both ran out the door the mail man came by delivering. They opened the mailbox and there was a letter. “Sophie and Maddie gasped” “Its for us they both said” they opened the letter it was a Party Invitation to a house warming. 

Dear Sophie, Maddie and Sally your all invited to a house warming on the 12th of January. Mum were all invited to a house warming on the 12th. “Thats tomorrow Mum said” Mum can we go. “Yes ok well go”.

The next day arrived they arrived at the party. “Hello said Jane” “welcome girls come get some food” As Sophie and Maddie walk up stars they hear a creepy noise. They got scared but they keep walking around. Then they heard a bang they looked a round they was nothing there. They walked into the bathroom then into a Bedroom. As the walked into the bedroom they heard another noise this time it was a scratch then Im going to get you They looked into the closet and THEN something pulled them into the closet they were suck. The two twins were never seen after that day. 

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