Thursday, 29 May 2014


Kyle : We need to be back in Tauranga we have no car.
Tyler : There is a nice Audi down the alley.
Kyle : Are you that dumb cars like that a good security system.
Tyler : Well there is a Mazda Premacy over there should we steel it ?
Kyle : Thats a nanna's car i'm not stelling that junk.
Tyler : Just get on with it 
Kyle : ok quick just break into the car.
Tyler : Done now lets go hurry.
Kyle : Hurry put the money in the car.
Tyler : lets go.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


- obesity
almost one in three adults (aged 15 years and over) are obese (31%), a further 34% are overweight

- smoking
Around 5,000 people die each year in New Zealand because of smoking or second-hand smoke exposure. That’s 13 people a day.

- cancer
Every day around 51 people are diagnosed with cancer in New Zealand and there are 22 cancer deaths.

- exercise
  • more than half of all adults 54 % are physically active for at least 30 minutes on five or more days per week

- languages
English and Maori are the official languages of New Zealand. Maori became an official language in 1987.

- sport
Over four in five men and women (83%) take part in some sporting activity over a year
- computers
In 2001 only 36 % were able to access the internet

  • almost one in three adults (aged 15 years and over) are obese (31%), a further 34% are overweight

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Miss Campbell's broken blood vessel

What conversation Miss Campbell will have with the DR

The conversation That Miss Campbell might ave with the Dr
Miss Campbell :I have a very weird problem I have a red spot in my eye.
Doctor : ok this is not very serious but a blood vessel has broken in your eye.
Miss Campbell : Ok what caused it ?
Doctor : Have you been sick lately ?
Miss Campbell : Yes I have.
Doctor : Well coughing and sneezing can trigger this.
Miss Campbell : Ok how long until It will clear up and what can I do to fix it.
Doctor : You can live life normally and just make sure you don't rub your eyes it will take at least 2-3 weeks.
Miss Campbell : Ok thank you.
Doctor : Ok bye.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Short Story

“Sophie and Maddie go get the mail mum yelled” as they both ran out the door the mail man came by delivering. They opened the mailbox and there was a letter. “Sophie and Maddie gasped” “Its for us they both said” they opened the letter it was a Party Invitation to a house warming. 

Dear Sophie, Maddie and Sally your all invited to a house warming on the 12th of January. Mum were all invited to a house warming on the 12th. “Thats tomorrow Mum said” Mum can we go. “Yes ok well go”.

The next day arrived they arrived at the party. “Hello said Jane” “welcome girls come get some food” As Sophie and Maddie walk up stars they hear a creepy noise. They got scared but they keep walking around. Then they heard a bang they looked a round they was nothing there. They walked into the bathroom then into a Bedroom. As the walked into the bedroom they heard another noise this time it was a scratch then Im going to get you They looked into the closet and THEN something pulled them into the closet they were suck. The two twins were never seen after that day. 

Monday, 19 May 2014


This site is where you can guess where you are in the world. What happens is that it comes up with a photo you can explore around the picture and move around. You can try and figure out where you are. If you don't know like I didn't know where I was I just guessed you may get some points. If you think you know where you are you can click a button called make a guess. You will probably come up with a map and that means that you look around. There will be a red line that is through the middle I don't know what this is but I think it might be something to do with a clue on where you are It come up with A to B B to C sometime. If you get it wrong you can just keep playing. Strategy : Look around well try use you knowledge to find out where you are. I have included a photo of what it looks like. Clues : you look at the signs to see what language it is and look at people to see what nationality they are.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Multiplying Fractions

Step 1 : If you had the numbers 5/6 and 2/3 fist of all you would times the top two numbers 5 and 2 that would equal 10.

Step 2 : Next you would times the bottom two numbers 6 and 3 that would equal 18. 

Step 3 : Then you are going to simplify 10/18 you are going to divide 10 by 2 then that equals 5 and then you are going to divide 18 by 2 and that equals  9.

So the answer is 5/9.

News article

At Tauranga Intermediate on friday Brando came and told them his adventure walking around the whole coast line of New Zealand. Brando Goes and talks to schools about his walk he has been walking for about a year and he has about 4 months to go. He took and big selfie with Tauranga Intermediate it was Brandos biggest selfie that he has ever took. Brando works for Ronald McDonald House and he has raised 16 thousand dollars already. On his Adventure he has seen a lot of baby seals and other animals and nearly came to death about 3 times.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

African Bird

What are the questions?
A. stellar 
Q What reputation has the Fork Tailed Drongo gained?

A. 25% 
Q However about persent of the time, they use them as a ruse to obtain a tasty morsel the forked tail drongo have caught sight of, inside a fellow bird's beak.

A. 50 
Q How many warning calls did the researchers perfectly imitate ?

A. shaped like a fork
Q What is the birds tail shaped like.

A. mimicry
Q What is it called when a bird copies another birds sound?

A. to obtain another animal’s food
Q Why does the Fork Tailed Drongo mimic other birds warning 
A. the animal with food hears an alarm call from its friends, drops the food and runs.
Q What happens when a bird hears an alarm call.

A. ruse
Q The definition of the answer is to, trick, stratagem or to artifice.

A. Pied babblers sociable weavrs and even mammals like meerkats.
Q What are just some of the bird call's the drongo can mimic?

A. Hawks and eagles
Q What fierce predators are the Drongo's not afraid of?


Sunday, 11 May 2014

Kia Kaha


Miss Campbell

Constable Den

Real men like drinking beer.
Females like cooking.
Indian people like dancing.
Asian people like working.
Maori people like Marae.

What are 2 good points about having stereotypes? Sometime they are positive, They can protect you from things.

What are 2 bad points about having stereotypes? They can hurt people feelings, judging people.

Kia Kaha Revision

What are the characteristics of a bully? 
Bullies tend to be older that the victim. 
Bullies are physically strong.

What are the characteristics of a victim? 
They usually are a bit geeky or don't have many friends.
Shy and quiet. 
They are depressed. 

Find 3 statistics. Calculate them out to work out how many students in Rimu House they would each affect (Rimu = 120 students) About 14 students in Rimu have experienced cyber bulling. 

Create a test of 5 true or false statements from pages 9-11 of this document.

The Wiki game

To play the wiki game you need to think quickly. You have a goal say you were trying to find the word Pirates you need to find a work related to Pirates like gold. The aim of the game is to beat everyone else so if you get 5 clicks to find Pirates you wont come first. If you get two click to find it you might come first. If you find the word you will be able to see you pathway but I didn't find anything. You get an amount of time to find the word and you are also competing against other people to win. Tip : try think fast.
The wiki game
This is what it looks like.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Estuary run

How to do the estuary run 
You will need : 

Safety tips :
Make sure you don't run into a car. 
Don't slip on the path.
Make sure to keep left when you are going past people.
Watch out for broken glass. 
Step 1 :
First of all you run out of school and down Grace road. Next you run to about 16th Avenue, then cross the road there will be a teacher there telling you where to go. 
Step :2 
Then as you come to the start of 15th Avenue, you turn right and run down the hill you will run across Scantelberry Road and then do towards the shops. 
Step 3 :
You will turn down a street facing the water, then you start running along the board walk when you come to bush part and you will see some houses just keep following the track. 
Step 4 :
You will then come to a hill that you run up at the top you will see the start of school once you are in school you need to run to our meeting spot and sit in your groups. 

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Stars Click Cards

The new click cards that have been started in the school are cool. Every student in the school gets a click card given to them they then put their name on the card. The cards are blue and red and have 40 clicks around the side. If you get 40 clicks you get a band that is coloured red for Rimu. Then I you get 40 the next term you get another band and the same with the next terms. If you earn 3 bands you get a stars badge. Then if you get your name on the board you might not get a click and if you get an x next to your name you don't get a click at all. If there is really bad behaviour you don't get any clicks and you get sent straight to Mr Carlin's office. If you are absent to don't get a click only if you are doing something that involves the school. Then there is stars cards, if you get a card you put your name on it and then put it into the Rimu box in the library and then in house Hui Mrs Mills draws out 2 stars cards and then you get some vouchers. Then Mrs Coville will draw out 1 star card for each house and that person will get a cool stars hoddie.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Questions for a partner

1. Answer :  My friend riding a young green horse and the horse bucked.
1. Question : What was the most funny thing you saw in the holidays ?

2. Answer : 2. Horse riding.
2. Question : What was the funniest thing you did in the holidays ?

3. Answer : 3. A migraine.
3. Question : What was the worst thing that happened in the holidays ?

4. Answer : 4. 5:30
4. Question : What time did you have to get up for work in the morning to go to your dads work ?

5. Answer : Pringles
5. Question : What was your favourite food in the holidays ?