Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS.

Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS. Firstly, we try new activities and new sports during the year. We play sports like dodge ball, multi sport, rock climbing and we just added a new game called ninja dodge ball. Secondly, we look after each other and make sure everyone is happy. We all use the stars and if someone gets hurt we all do our best to support each other. We recently had a boy called Ben in year 7 and he had leukaemia we did a sausage sizzle to raise money for him. Lastly, we do our best to be the number 1 house in the school. We do this by fundraising at least $2000 for ultimate relay, we also get house points and try to be the fittest house in the school. Because of all of these reasons I think we are the best house, we all work at one to be a team.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Peel paragraph

Being a mum is easy. Firstly, being a mum is easy when you have good kids. Good kids are when they don't break things scream all the time. Secondly, when you have birthday parties most parents have fun setting everything up like making a birthday present that the child want or what theme they want. Kids want things all the time so sometimes you have to please them.  Lastly, when your kids are asleep you can relax, like watching T.V or having a bath. So overall I don't know what it's like to be a mum but I think that it can be easy sometimes.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Peel paragraph

Mr Diver is a successful principal because he works hard, cares for others and makes activities fun.
Firstly Mr Diver works hard he plans the upcoming events for the year like maths challenges and competitions. Secondly he cares for others, he makes sure that all the students and teachers are using the stars like teachers on bus duty. Lastly he makes everything fun he plans events like ultimate relay, camp and also makes sure that all houses have a social dance this makes everything fun.
Overall I think this makes a great principal.  


What percentage of the vote did each party win?

How will parliament look? (How many seats will each party have?)

Who is the Tauranga MP and which party is he/she from?
Simon Bridges he is from National party.

Who came 2nd and 3rd for Tauranga?
Clayton Mitchell
Rachel Jones

Who is the BOP MP and which party is he/she from? 
Ryall Tony National party.

What regional seat does the Prime Minister hold? Helensville

How many people voted? over 2 million people.

List all of the ministerial portfolios

Other responsibilities
1Rt Hon John Key
2Hon Bill English
Deputy Prime Minister
3Hon Gerry Brownlee
Leader of the House
4Hon Steven Joyce
6Hon Tony Ryall
7Hon Hekia Parata
8Hon Christopher Finlayson
9Hon Paula Bennett
10Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman
11Hon Murray McCully
12Hon Anne Tolley
Deputy Leader of the House
13Hon Dr Nick Smith
14Hon Tim Groser
15Hon Amy Adams
16Hon Nathan Guy
17Hon Craig Foss
18Hon Simon Bridges
19Hon Nikki Kaye
20Hon Michael Woodhouse

Who is the current Minister for Education?

Hon Hekia Parata

What portfolio does John Key hold?
Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism.

Thursday, 18 September 2014







Full rotation


When is election day? Saturday 20 September 2014

What hours can you vote on election day? it is 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

What date does this year’s election officially end? it finishes on 4th of October.

Why does it there a gap between election day and when the election ends? So all the votes can be counted and finalised.

Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.

Hoardings : All the signs that are advising have to be removed by midnight on the 19th September.
Sign-written vehicles : You cant have any advising on your car because its an offence.

Fixed signage on party headquarters and MP’s electorate offices :
you cant have any advertising about vote for me. You can have your signs up at your office.

Delivery of election material prohibited : Election must not be delivered through the post. You cant post anything in the post about vote for me.

Websites and social media: You can have your election on the internet only if it is published before election day.

Processions and demonstrations: they are not allowed to stand out side and protest before 7pm , they cant get people to vote for national or any party before 7pm. You cant use a loud hailer.

Streamers, rosettes, ribbons etc : You can wear labels ribbons on election day. It can't have the party name, logo on it but it can be the colour of there party.

Clothing promoting the party or candidate
No tshirts, can wear party colours

Imitation ballot papers
Do not hand out cards that look like ballot cards.

Assistance to get to a voting place
You cant influence them to vote for them.

At the voting place MP are not allowed in the voting place unless they are voting.

Campaigning around advance voting places

You are not allowed to influence people or campaign out side.