Sunday, 23 June 2013

Me at Argos

Hi on Tuesday the 18th of June Me and my hip hop group went to Argos to compete for hip hop and we did our performance and won so we have an up coming comp soon on friday the 5th of July and I am really excited. Also on that day I had My gym and Trampoline competition and I won a bronze medal so that was really cool and we all had a really good day !!!

Saturday, 22 June 2013


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Tiga was  playing with me today and I was hitting a ball with my hockey stick and she was chasing the ball and here are some photos of her on the bath tub too 

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Homework Create an original piece of recycled artwork

Over the past week I have been making scrunchies and I have made about 6 scrunchies and they are really cool heres some photos. If anyone wants a scrunchie they are $ 2.00 and they come in any colour.

Homework join a school dance team or learn an instrument

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I have joined the school hip hop team and I am in the aimes games for hip hop I had to audition to get in and I was very pleased that I got in.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Tiga and Flynn

Tiga loves sleeping in Flynn's bed


Yesterday my Mum and I went to auckland to vist so people and we came across a park and a water fountain


Tiga watching Tv

Last night Tiga was watching a movie with me and she was sitting on the table watching the tv and she would just stare at it because there was a cat and dog in the movie.